A. Smusz - Welcome


Hi there, I'm Aaron Smusz. I am a Senior Customer Enablement engineer with Adobe working on the Acrobat Sign product (originally EchoSign and previously Adobe Sign) since 2012.

Below you'll find links to some things to assist in learning about and contacting me with your Adobe Sign or other technology related questions.

I am typically available during business hours in the U.S. pacific time-zone.

email [email protected]
Skype(regular skype) https://join.skype.com/invite/rzqKbPCelMgQ
Check my schedule for a free time to meet! free-Busy(office365 calendar)
Adobe Acrobat-Sign Developer Guide API Overview
My "stuff" on Medium https://medium.com/@aaronsmusz
LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/atsmusz
On Discord aaronAtAdobe#9075
Acrobat Sign - Help https://helpx.adobe.com/support/sign.html
Acrobat Sign - Forums https://community.adobe.com/t5/adobe-sign/bd-p/adobe-sign
Sign Integrations - helpx https://helpx.adobe.com/sign/using/integration-guides.html
Sign Partner Integrations https://exchange.adobe.com/documentcloud.html